Useful Links
My Dog Has Bitten was created by SafePets UK, see our website www.safepets.co.uk if you need dog or cat behaviour help
and our twitter feed @Debbie_Connolly
Join My Dog Has Bitten on our facebook page
Lots of useful advice on our blog about many dog subjects
We recommend you always speak to a specialist dog law solicitor for initial free advice. Nothing we suggest to you is to be taken as legal advice.
We have worked for many experienced paralegals, barristers and solicitors and can recommend them to you. Call or email us and we will give you initial free advice and refer you to qualified help.
You have the right to insist to use specific experts, solicitors and barristers in your case.
DDA Watch http://www.ddawatch.co.uk/
Advice, court support and help for banned breeds from this voluntary organisation
DogLaw SOS http://doglawsos.co.uk/
Peace of mind legal support and advice from Cooper & Co solicitors for just £60 a year
If you have any recommendations for businesses or organisations for this page, let us know.